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HELP [topic]

* HELP shows the lines of this manual corresponding to the topic.
  To see all topics available, type "HELP CONTENTS" . Make sure that
  the manual "ZShell.doc" is in the current directory or in S: !
  For some help about a command you can also type "commandname ?" .
  Type only "?" to read the manual with  MORE .
Note: Instead of typing the topic you can type just some starting
Note: The manual is only loaded once and will stay in memory till
      you use  AVAIL -C  or  ENDCLI -C 

eg.    help contents       {"help cont" will do the same}
       help copy
       makedir ?

* HELP without a topic lists the names of all available ZShell
  commands to the screen. This does not need the manual.
  HELP can also be invoked by hitting the HELP key.

eg.   help